Keynote Speakers

Prof. Alberto Castellazzi

Faculty of Engineering,
Kyoto University of Advanced Science


“Topologies and technologies for advanced WBG power conversion”

Alberto Castellazzi is a Professor in the KUAS Engineering Department, where he leads research and teaching in advanced solid-state power processing to yield disruptive joint progress in efficiency, power density and reliability of power converters. He has published over 200 papers in specialist international journals and conference proceedings and has held a number of invited talks, tutorials and seminars on the topic of WBG power devices and SiC-based electrical power conversion.

He is active as both a reviewer and editor and is a member of the technical program committee of a number of international conferences on power electronics and power semiconductor devices.

Prof. Hiroshi Arai

Society of Instrumentation and Control Engineers (SICE)


"Role of measurement and control to solve social issues and potential of academic societies to shorten the distance between academia and industry"

In order to solve social issues such as Society 5.0 and SDGs with emerging technologies such as AI and IoT, the measurement and control technologies are becoming more and more important. I believe that great value can be created by combining on-site data obtained by measurement and control with worker’s data as well as social activity data. However, there is a gap between them, and industry-academia collaboration is indispensable to fill it. The role of academic societies has changed with the passage of time, and in recent years the division of roles between industry and academia has changed to the era of co-creation. However, there are still various gaps between academia and industry, also. In this presentation, I would share the potential of academic societies to play an important role in bridging this gap. In addition, I will introduce the efforts of the SICE (The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers) for that purpose and examples of corporate social implementation.


Hiroshi Arai received his ME degrees in electrical engineering from Waseda University in 1981, respectively. He joined Yamatake Honeywell Co. Ltd. (Present: Azbil corporation) in 1981. Since then, he developed Distributed Control System (DCS). He also took a lead of introducing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) package as managing executive officer of azbil group information systems and IT/Software Technology. Now he is the president of SICE and interested in collaboration of academia and industry.

Prof. Honda Kiyoshi

Co-Founder &
Chief Scientist,
ListenField Inc.


"Analytical Data Platform for Smart Agriculture"

Modeling and simulation of crop growth are essential components in smart agriculture, especially under the unprecedented climate change. Observations by field sensing IoT devices, drones, and satellites provide us with very useful information to understand the state of the crop. However, observation does not directly give us actionable information. We need to perform impact assessment and scenario analysis to come up with action plans that maximize the yield while minimizing risk under weather uncertainty. Crop growth simulations are not simple processes. They require domain expertise to run and are usually not scalable. Analytical data platform on cloud and data pipeline makes the advance analytics to smart agriculture systems.


Kiyoshi HONDA obtained B.Sc.(Agr.) in 1982 and D.Eng. in 1992 from the University of Tokyo. He served Nippon Koei Co., Ltd., Mie University, Asian Institute of Technology. Currently, he is a professor at Chubu University, Japan, and CSO of ListenField Inc.. He has more than 30 years of experience in remote sensing research. His recent focus is the development of an interoperable analytical platform for agriculture.